Dates for Diary

Diary Dates 2022-2023Beatle Woods
Monday 4th September 2023Nursery & Home ed Closed
Tuesday 5th September 2023First day of term
Thursday 26th October 2023Last day of this half term
Friday 27th October 2023Closed for staff training
Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November 2023Half Term
Monday 6th November 2023Beatle Woods re-opens
Friday 22nd December 2023End of term.
Monday 25th December 2023 – Monday 8th January 2024Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 9th January 2024First Day of term
Thursday 8th February 2024Last day of Half term
Friday 9th February 2024Nursery Closed for staff training
Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February 2024Half term
Monday 19th February 2024Beatle Woods re-opens
Friday 22nd March 2024Last day of term
Monday 25th March April – Monday 9th April 2024Easter Holidays
Monday 8th April 2024Nursery Closed for staff training (Home Ed open)
Tuesday 9th April 2024Beatle Woods re-opens
Monday 6th May 2024Mayday BW closed
Thursday 23rd May 2024Last day of half term
Friday 24th May 2024Closed for staff training
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 2024Half term
Monday 3rd June 2024Beatle Woods re-opens
Friday 19th July 2024End of term
Diary Dates 1 privacy Policy
Beatle Woods Outdoor Nursery